If you can’t find the answer to your questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

What areas do you cover? 

We cover the whole of the Dordogne department located in South-West France in the Aquitaine region. It is also referred to as Périgord which itself is made up of four similar but subtly different sub-regions: Noir, Vert, Blanc and Pourpre.


How can you add value?

The Dordogne Buying agent will carefully consider any potential properties ensuring not just that the price is right, but that your personal and investment objectives are met. To ensure you know exactly what you’re buying, without any unpleasant surprises further down the line – we will ensure comprehensive due diligence is carried out to protect your investment.


Who are your clients? 

The Dordogne Buying Agent finds and acquires property on behalf of private buyers, mostly based outside France. 


How can you reduce the guide price? 

Edward has an in-depth knowledge of the Dordogne property market, and with a decade of experience in the property market - including property sales, letting and management - he understands the true value and potential of a property. If a property is not priced correctly, he will negotiate so that it is. 


How do you structure your fee?

Our passion is a successful property search leading to a completion of a property purchase that meets your requirements. As such our fee is based on competition of both elements. But we know every client is different and as such our service is bespoke and can be tailored to meet your individual needs and circumstances. 


What should we do next?

If you would like to discuss your purchase of a property in the Dordogne, Edward will be delighted to assist and can be contacted on a no-obligation basis on +33 7 45 04 33 84 or info@dordognebuyingagent.com

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